biography, discography, reviews, best albums, ratings (2024)

Blind Idiot God, hailing from St Louis(Missouri), were an instrumental power-trio thatpredated both post-rock and grunge, and that took inspiration from bothMC5, Jimi Hendrix, John Coltrane and Glenn Branca.Blind Idiot God (1987) unwound an explosive mix ofhardcore, heavy-metal and space-rock, dressed up with spices of reggae and funk.The ugly geometry of its mini-rock symphonies had few precedents in popularmusic. The trio topped that masterpiece with theseismic wall of sound of Undertow (1988) and theerudite funk-jazz-reggae-metal crossover of Cyclotron (1992). If English is your first language and you could translate my old Italian text, please contact me.Scroll down for recent reviews in English.
I Blind Idiot God erano un trio,Andy Hawkins (chitarra), Gabriel Katz (basso) e Ted Epstein (batteria),che faceva idealmente parte della scuola post-rock di St Louis (Missouri),anche se approdarono al disco soltanto dopo il trasferimento a New York.

La loro musica era puramente strumentale, e tutt'altro che accattivante.Le loro tempeste sonore erano degne dei piu` truci MC5, le loro sventagliateeguagliavano l'hardcore in frenesia, le loro spigolosita` facevano sembraretriviali le dissonanze dei Sonic Youth. Le loro partitute erano ispirate inegual misura a Jimi Hendrix (rock), John Coltrane (jazz) eGlenn Branca (avanguardia).

Blind Idiot God (SST, 1987) eleva l'esasperazione a stile.Un'energia primordiale di base viene amplificata dal ricorso a tecnicheripetitive e dissonanti, piu` ancora che dal volume sonoro.In Shifting Sand la chitarra viene solleticata come un violino, fino quasiad entrare in risonanza ed emettere soltanto un ronzio continuo.E` quasi grunge la carica detonante di Wide Open Spaces, segnata dallemitragliate della batteria e dai saliscendi quasi mistici della chitarra.

La geometria di questi brani e` sconosciuta invece a quelli, comeSubterranean Flight, che vivono di altalene emotive e sfruttano effettipiu` atmosferici.Sia come sia, ogni brano raggiunge livelli intollerabili di tensione e non risparmiai timpani.
Una sorta di improvvisazione controllata deraglia le cadenze funky di Dark & Bright e quelle reggae dei tre "dub" finali (Wise Man Dub, Stealth Dub, Raining Dub), dove la violenza si placa e cede il posto agli onirici riverberidella chitarra, alle linee sensuali del basso e ai battiti sordi della batteria.
Blind Idiot God e` una delle opere piu` riuscite della musica d'avanguardiadegli anni '80, una pietra miliare del rock strumentale e un capolavoroassoluto dell'hardcore.

Undertow (Enemy, 1988) continua quel programma di fusion per punk,nel quale tempeste hardcore si sposano ai terremoti delle sinfonie di Branca(Sawtooth, Wailing Wall e Drowning, straripanti di sonorita` ipnotichee catastrofiche) per dare origine a un "wall of sound" trascinante ed"Hendrix-ianamente" distorto (Atomic Whip). In mezzo a questa terra di nessunofluttuano i loro suggestivi "dub", traboccanti di echi sonnambuli ed esotici edi fraseggi alla Jody Harris (Clockwork Dub, Watch Yer Step,Dubbing In The Sinai e soprattutto il Major Key Dub, in cui la chitarradiventa un mandolino e una fisarmonica e...).Si tratta di un altro lavoro impeccabile, un altro manuale di rock strumentaleper gli anni '90, un altro saggio estremamente maturo e adulto dicreativita`.

(Clicka qua per la versione Italiana)

In the meantime, the Blind Idiot God started playing with John Zorn,guru of the New York avantgarde (Epstein even played in a trio withZorn and Elliott Sharp) and their musical status grew by the month.After the EP Purged Specimen (Enemy), a new album,Cyclotron (Avant, 1992), was released.It is another miracle of music at the same time futile and conceptual, anotheressay of manic precision in performing the most imprecise scores one canconcoct, another lecture of erudite "crossover" (funk, jazz, metal,reggae, ...) by a trio of superb musicians.
This is a collection of shorter piecesbut the instrumental combo from hell has not been tamed yet.Three threads seem to overlap and alternate throughoutthe album: a cacophonous form of speedmetal, Hendrix-inspired fugues andreggae-based dance music.The ouverture, 747, pourstitanic, granitic riffs that pulverize notes and hauls apocalyptic drummingthat accelerates to an almost grindcore pace.The maelstrom infuriates and picks up speed with Thunderhead,a square dance for chainsaws and bazookas.Cloudcover is the ultimate metal experience: guitars and drums aresequenced and looped at high speed leaving only a flow of harsh noise.
In Slackjaw Hendrixian glissandos suffocate the stuttering rhythm,and Hendrix' specter returns inHead On, when a Third Stone From The Sun progression mauls melodywith tornado force.Ever denser, ever less articulated, Cold Start is angst for a fantasy of self-martyrdom.In Broadsidethe guitar washes and the thundering drums obey a mathematical formula.Visceral emotion and mechanical algorithm are the two sides of the same coin.
The third thread may be the most intriguing. Ground Lift,Hangtime andDeath Hollow Canyon Utahdeconstruct reggae, toying with the metallic chords, the reverbed dub and thesyncopated beat, achieving a spirited fusion of reggae, heavy metal andjazz. With Dead Continent Dubthe original stereotype has been vivisected and reassembled: limbs move in agoofy way and control is loose; sounds are shuffled around, beats overflow.
The ugly geometry of these mini-rock symphonies has few precedents in popularmusic. BIG deserve the title of precursors and founding fathers of math-rock.

Blind Idiot God also collaborated with Bill Laswell on Sacrifist (1994).

Azonic Halo (Strata, 1994) was Andy Hawkins' new project after BlindIdiot God,yet another epic excursion at the edge of rock's sonic horizons but this timevia four lengthy improvised solos (with help from bassist Gabriel Katz).The ten-minute Beyond the Pale unleashes a tornado ofHendrix-ian feedbacks, violent fits of angst-laden hallucination.The twelve-minute Shore explores the other (contemplative) side of the coin via a droning raga-like distortion, first soaring to theskies and then descending again to Earth.The eleven-minute Headwaters sends waves of metallic dissonance against an oscillating drone.The twelve-minute Raze is the gothic, suspenseful closer, sendingalien tremors up cascading walls of white noise that sometimes sound likebaroque keyboards played by the fingers of a mad ghost.Few albums in the history of rock music packed and conveys so much emotionwith such minimal means.
This transcendent work is the equivalent of Peter Green's End of the Game (1969)for the punk and post-industrial generation: the soundtrack of a soul awash inthe massive neurosis of his era.

The follow-up, Skinner's Black Laboratories (Sub Rosa, 1995),credited to Azonic, was a collaboration with Justin Broadrick of Godflesh.The shorter pieces coin an abrasive version of Robert Fripp's "Frippertronics".The two longer jams are concertos for deformed, hysterical (and extremelyloud) guitar.

At the turn of the centuryTim Wyskida of Khanate replaced Epstein on drums.

Before Ever After (Indivisible, 2015), Blind Idiot God's first album in 23 years contains music recorded between 2008 and 2010.

biography, discography, reviews, best albums, ratings (2024)


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.